Wednesday, October 28, 2009

October 29 Tech Tip

Remove Fake AntiVirus

Good Morning!

I'm Bud Freund, your BNI Tech Guy and today's tip solves last week's fake software problem.

It's called, “RemoveFakeAntivirus v1.36” - a clear indication that the developer was far busier writing code than coming up with a catchy name - and it’s available from

For the write-up about the program, go to

For help installing or running the software, call me, Bud Freund, your BNI Tech Guy.

October 22 Tech Tip

250 Bogus AntiVirus

Good Morning!

I'm Bud Freund, your BNI Tech Guy and today's tip comes from Monday's Washington Post.

According to Symantec, the makers of Norton AntiVirus, there are over 250 bogus security programs that can download from the internet and either:
  • do nothing but take your money
  • infect your computer
  • or steal your identity
With over 43 million downloads in a year, it is believed that 10's of millions of PC's are infected.

And according to UPI, a Mac virus started making the rounds in April of this year, so they're not immune any more.

If you'd like a check-up or a full protection program, please let me know.

That's it from Bud Freund, your BNI Tech Guy