Wednesday, July 21, 2010

BNI Tech Tip - July 22 - XP Updates

Hi All -

Bud Freund, your BNI Tech Guy with today's tip for those using Windows XP.

The good news is that there won't be any more updates to Windows XP.

The bad news is that it will only be a matter of time until the internet cooties start punching holes.

There are alternative solutions. . . some of which are free.

If you know a small business looking for help, please send them to me, Bud Freund, your BNI Tech Guy. Number 8 on your list.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

BNI Tech Tip - July 15 - Data Scrubbing

Hi All -

Bud Freund your BNI Tech Guy with today's tip about clean data.

If your thumb drive goes through the laundry because you forgot to take it out of your pocket and it thoroughly dries, you'll see your files and folders again.

Think of it as an alternative method of data scrubbing.

This week, I'm looking for executives at Non-Profit organizations because I can help increase awareness and raise funds.

Bud Freund, your BNI Tech Guy, number 8 on your list.